I started a GCSE Textiles course at my school in September 2012. In the build up to this, while students were taking their options, there were various open evenings. Many of the students asked me 'Miss, if I take Textiles,will you teach me how to make clothes'. My response was 'I cannot promise you that I can teach you to make clothes. My training is in soft furnishings and children's play rooms, not fashion and dressmaking. I probably will not be able to teach you to make a garment from scratch but I can show you how to customise a garment'. I thought it was best to be honest.
Having said this, it has always been my plan to learn more about fashion design and making clothes, for my own interests but mainly to enrich the students experience of their Textiles course. I did quite a lot of 'customising garments' during my teenage years but was never really happy with the results. I guess my confidence was and still is lacking in this area. As you know, I have been making lots of different types of textile panels using lots of different materials but these are mainly decorative pieces to hang on the wall. Following a 'pep talk' from my friend and talented SEO Carolyn Clayton www.seofreelanceuk.co.uk last weekend where she reminded me just how much I used to work with clothing, I thought it was time to sort out my dressmakers dummy and get over my 'issues' with fashion design!! Also, I found this amazing lady on Facebook. Her advice to me was 'go for it! sewing is really fun off the beaten path.you just have to keep stitching and it will turn into something interesting, I promise! ♡ In time, I aspire to create something similar to her most amazingly funky garments but it could take a while!!!!!http://www.gibbousfashions.com
Here are the results of my customised vest top with hand and machine embroidered panel with angelina fibres, ribbons and lace
This turquoise crushed velvet top is a garment I have owned for approximately 10 years!!! I have loved it in the past but have not worn it for at least 2 years. Partly because It is/was a size 18 and having lost 4 stone over the last year and a half, I am now a size 14. It was in my bag for the boot fair!! If I had planned to 'take it in' now is the time to do it I figured!!! The main feature is the patterned textile panel which was my first attempt at using water soluble fabric. This panel has been sat in my sewing room since last September. I finally found a use for it!! I also added some organza ribbons and colourful lace (purchased in Turkey last year). I am pretty pleased with my customised top, I know for sure noone will have one the same anyway!!! It is now a snug size 14 and I hope to be brave enough to wear it!!
I have also started making a garment from scratch today. Watch this space................