Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Chinese Dragon Dress - Part 3

Evening Bloggers,
I am afraid I have had to write part 2 and 3 of this blog both on the same night. Having been away on holiday for 3 weeks, I had no time to write part 2 sooner. At this point, I had already worked on the dress for approximately 15 hours.

First I removed all the pieces I had pinned onto the skirt. This was a little traumatic as I quite liked the overall effect but it had to be done in order to progress properly. Now the bodice was complete, I decided to add a long zip in the back. This is the zip from the original blue dress. I liked it as it was already decorated with sequins. Adding the zip at this stage was helpful as it can be time consuming having to pin the bodice onto the mannequin each time it is removed and replaced (many, many times!) The zip assists in holding the bodice on quite firmly.

Next, I hand pleated the blue and green skirt pieces around the waist giving a little fullness in this area and attached them to the v-shaped waist on the bodice. I extended the zip down through the skirt.

I was not happy with the way the front of the skirt hung where the blue and green fabrics joined so I added a v-shaped piece of another fabric between them.

At this stage, the skirt looks very uninspiring in my opinion - time to continue my favourite pastime...... experimenting with different colours, textures, shapes and pinning fabric scraps together!!

I considered bringing the hanky hem scraps up above the v-shaped waistline but once I had pinned a few pieces there, I realised it would not work visually. With the hanky hem spilling down from the waist, it gave me the opportunity to emphasise the V-shape by adding a lace or decorative trimming. I pinned many different ones on before making my final decision (surprise, surprise).

Now with the layers being added, I am happy the dress is beginning to become more shapely and visually interesting. There is still a long way to go though!

Total hours work today - 4.

Chinese Dragon Dress - Part 2

Evening Bloggers,
I have been working on this dress for approximately 1 month now. Not constantly of course!! Most of the time it sits staring at me from my mannequin in my studio willing me to get on and finish it!!

In part 1 I managed to get most of the front and back of the bodice in place. Now to complete the bodice and work on the skirt part.

I started pleating, draping and pinning parts of the existing blue dress I wanted to recycle around the waist and skirt area. I decided the waist needed to be more fitted and flattering and discovered a cotton doyley I had hand dyed a while ago. As the embroidered cotton fabric is quite stiff it worked well and pulled in the waist nicely. I had found the missing jigsaw piece for the bodice at last!! I stitched it together carefully.

Phew, this was the end of a mind numbing day having had so many decisions to make - as always.

Total looking, working and thinking time today 5 hours.

For a bit of fun and light relief, I started draping random pieces of fabric around the skirt area. Amazingly the random shapes and colours started to work well and some new ideas were born!!

 The skirt would now be created using an existing green skirt and the blue dress underneath with other pieces of fabric cut in diamond shapes stitched on top to create a 'hanky hem' effect.

These pieces are just pinned in these photos and will all need to be taken off, cut to shape and zig- zag stitched to minimise fraying if I decide to use them when I come back with 'fresh eyes' another day.

Total draping, looking and thinking time - 2 hours!!