Monday, 11 March 2013

Fashion Design - making very small steps, some backwards!!

Good evening,
Time to write an update on my attempts at garment making. I have been avoiding this moment for a couple of weeks due to a variety of failed attempts and feelings of embarrassment at just how 'strange' some of my garments have ended up looking!!!!

This was my first attempt at working from a 'muddled together pattern'. I made the pattern from an existing tunic top.

For the bodice, I hand dyed some pieces of lace I purchased for 10p each at a local shop. For the detail, I free machine embroidered flowers using fused angelina fibres for the flower petals. I am pleased with the bodice.

The skirt is made from an old elasticated top!! I have added some frills and lace details here and there.
Overall, the pattern has fitted together well and I like the embroidery. I am not happy with the skirt shape or the bottom half in general and although I have made it my size, I will NEVER wear it!!!!

A positive experience though as I learned so much from making this tunic top.

It is amazing what can be made from recycled and reclaimed garments and fabrics. I have a hundred and one ideas at the moment and I know I can do better!!!!

Watch this space for P9cbs next Fashion Statement!!!!!

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