Just a quick update to tell you about 3 pieces of work I will be exhibiting in 2 weeks time at 'The Grand Hotel' in Folkestone, Kent. It is the Folkestone Art Society's annual Spring exhibition. I have only recently re-joined the society after a break of around 8 years!!! I used to exhibit oil paintings back then but found it very difficult to produce my own work along with my day job as a busy Secondary school Art and Design teacher. Following the birth of my little boy (who is now 3), I work 3 days now and have 2 days with him at home. I have recently begun to find some time to produce my own work again and found a new passion in Textiles.
Well here are my 3 entries:
![Photo: One of my 3 Textile pieces, framed, signed and all ready for the Folkestone Art Society Exhibition on May 10th. Looking forward to opening night already!!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/601702_641638919195461_1042481981_n.jpg)
This piece is entitled 'Abstract no 1'. It measures 46 x 56cm framed. It is a silk painting on silk fabric (with cotton backing). It is layered with hand and machine embroidery, couched silk and woollen threads. It will be on sale for £120.
This piece is entitled 'Abstract no 4'. It measures 46 x 56cm framed. It is a silk painting on silk fabric (with cotton backing). It is layered with hand and machine embroidery, couched silk and woollen threads. It will be on sale for £150.
This piece is entitled 'Just Around The Corner'. It measures 48 x 58cm framed. It consists of hand dyed and printed fabrics and papers on yellow silk with lutradur and lace. It is finished with oodles of machine embroidery. It will be on sale for £120.
I hope you like them. Please feel free to leave a comment to let me know what you think of them. I am also interested to hear any suggestions you have for more interesting titles for Abstract no 1 and 4.
Thanks as always for reading,
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