Sunday, 27 January 2013

Moving on - feeling more confident

Today, I made my best effort to remember all I learned from the brilliant Cas Holmes last week. Pulling all the pieces of the composition together and having a good feeling about how they work together is a skill. One that I don't always feel that I have if I am honest!!

Getting all my bits and pieces together (well strewn across the table) was the easy part. Photocopies, prints, drawings, off cuts of fabrics etc etc hmmmm a lovely big mess. I then had to force myself to make some decisions - 'Come on Claire, which are the principal pieces, put them down first, forget the itty bitty pieces'' (I remembered what Cas had told me). A colour scheme started to make itself known.
Purple and green with a hint of yellow
I glued all the pieces down, I was happy. Until.............................. my Aunt popped round and when I showed her my collage she said 'I like the piece at the bottom right corner (incidentally this is a piece Cas gave me). If it was the other way up, it could be a landscape with a Cathedral and skyline'. I could certainly see this now and wondered why I had not noticed before. A little later, I started thinking. Hmmm shall I change it round. After much debate, I started peeling back the sopping wet layers. A few tears occured in the thinner papers but I managed to turn the image round and rejig a few other pieces. 'Voila' - it was done mmmmm, I think I liked it better the other way round Grrrrrr!!! What do you think??

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