Saturday, 26 January 2013

My latest textile work

19.01.13 - Welcome to my first ever blog!!!! Today was a snowy day in Kent and in between making snowmen in the garden and walking around the lake throwing snowballs back at my husband and little boy, I managed to get down to some serious creative activities!!

I had already prepared a large piece of silk on a stretcher. It has been waiting about a week for me to figure out what colour combination I want to use and what shapes I want to paint. Finally today, after our little walk, it struck me. Purple and turquoise with a small hint of complementary yellow/ orange. Quite why it took me so long to figure out these colours, I don't know as purple is my absolute favourite colour and pretty much always features in my work anyway!! I guess, I just thought I might go for something different this time, or maybe not!!

Having painted the silk with silk dyes, rock salt and plenty of sprays of water, I was able to get down to some serious machine embroidery. I used silk tops which I gently rolled and teased out across the surface. I found that they looked like little bubbles if I stitched them in a circular motion. I am so pleased with this new effect that I found today. I just can't wait to get on with it again tomorrow........
I hope you have enjoyed reading my first blog. I will hopefully update tomorrow with a new image.

Thank-you for reading my ramblings!!

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